Bartlett Regional | HouseCalls | Spring 2016 13 Take a Here are seven strategies to help you stop sitting and start moving again From channel surfing at home to being glued to our office chairs at work, researchers estimate that we now spend more than half our waking hours sitting or participating in other sedentary behaviors. Unfortunately, all that downtime may be contributing to obesity and even shortened life spans. What’s more, prolonged sitting for much of the day might be a health risk even if you’re regularly exercising, research suggests. All of this hints at a need to work in some upright activity. Here are seven ways to stop sitting and start moving again: 1 Go screen-free. Consider restricting how much time you spend using your TV, laptop or smartphone. You might engage your feet more if you unplug or go offline. 2 Set a step-to-it timer. When you must sit for long stretches, set a reminder to get up and move about every hour. Use an alarm feature on your computer, phone or kitchen timer. 3 Hoof it for your health. Try to think of everyday opportunities to walk instead of drive. Maybe that’s a trip to the store, the office or the mailbox up the road. You’ll save gas money— cha-ching!—and help your health. 4 Take a commercial (workout) break. When you tune in to must-see TV (as opposed to endless channel surfing), get up and move during commercials. Try sit-ups, push-ups, pacing the floor or jogging in place. 5 Stop sitting on the job. You might ask your employer to consider installing standing workstations. 6 Break the habit. Do you normally take work breaks at your desk? Swap them for short walks whenever possible. 7 Pick up the pace. Wear a pedometer, and aim for 10,000 or more steps a day. Sources: American Council on Exercise; American Society for Nutrition; National Institutes of Health 3. 1. 2. Answer these questions by circling the correct picture. 1 Who is wearing the bike helmet the right way? 2 A bike that isn’t the right size can be dangerous. Which bike is the right size? 3 Which child is being safe? Cycling safety Answers: (Correct picture identified by the color of rider’s helmet.) 1. green. 2. yellow. 3. purple. stand JUST FOR KIDS