Bartlett Regional | House Calls | Spring 2021

Patient feedback Ambulatory surgery X The entire hospital experience was a pleasure. I went in for a broken foot, and from the start to finish each and every person treated me with com- passion and respect. I appreciate the excellent service and great attitudes everyone has at the hospital. X Best described as a cohesive team working from A to Z while providing compassionate care. X They all seem to take a lot of pride in what they do and put me at total ease while I was there. Thank you to all! Emergency Department (ED) X The doctor was very amazing. He listened to me and my wife very closely Sharing your thoughts and thanks and patiently. He offered a very detailed plan of how he was going to treat my symptoms and was so very reassuring. He saw that I was scared and was able to calm my worries. The nurse helping in the ER room was wonderful also, did his duties very professionally, and was also able to reassure me and calm my nerves. X They took the time to make sure I was safe to go home. Even stayed after hours to ensure my needs were met. Excellent staff on board there. X This was my first experience as a pa- tient in an ER. I was amazed and greatly appreciate the immediate care and test- ing that was done in such a short time. I hope I never need to be an ER patient again but, if so, I hope it will be at BRH. Inpatient Services X A very friendly and skillful group of nurses—appreciate them immensely. They’re selfless, loving and very profes- sional at what they do. Admire them all, especially my head nurse; would be lying if I didn’t say she makes my heart smile! X All staff was wonderful—doctors, nurses, custodial, kitchen. Made me feel welcome and calm as if at home. X The Bartlett Beginnings nurses and staff were extremely supportive and genuinely caring. I could not have asked for more in my stay. Behavioral Health X Respectful, timely, on the ball. Friendly and personable. Loved all of them. Outpatient Services X The nurse treated my adult special needs daughter with the utmost re- spect. I am always pleased at Bartlett, but this experience was so easy for her. Thank you! She came away with her dignity. Excellent hospital, excellent care! Senator Lisa Murkowski visits new on-site COVID-19 testing molecular lab Lead Clinical Laboratory Scientist Robin Marks and Lab Director John Fortin answered Senator Lisa Murkowski’s questions on her visit to the newly installed molecular lab at Bartlett Regional Hospital. The lab is equipped with a special analyzer for accurate detection of the COVID-19 virus. Lab operations began with COVID-19 testing for outpatient surgeries, inpatients and employees. The goal is to use as many local supply vendors as possible. Test collection kits are produced and purchased through Admiralty Environmental. The amount of testing that can be done is limited by the supply of reagent chemicals to run tests for the virus. The Cepheid analyzer remains in use for smaller batches of in- house tests. The molecular lab was purchased with the intent From left: CFO and Interim CEO Kevin Benson; Chief Nursing Officer Rose Lawhorne; Quality Director Gail Moorehead; Lead Clinical Laboratory Scientist Robin Marks; Senator Lisa Murkowski; Lab Director John Fortin; and Chief Operating Officer Billy Gardner. of funding through the federal CARES Act. Senior leadership team members emphasized to the senator that operating costs will be dependent on continued federal funding. 3